
Considering how the cost of living crisis impacts health

Welcome to the July/August issue of Pharmafocus!

This issue covers the latest news, from a new study finding that the NHS may miss out on new drugs due to rising costs (page 4) and the European Parliament sharing its goal to tackle antimicrobial resistance (page 4), to the US Food and Drug Administration approving Pfizer’s RSV vaccine (page 8) and scientists at McMaster University and MIT using AI to find new antibiotics (page 10).

Along with the latest pharma news, this issue includes an article from Galimedix Therapeutics in which Alexander Gebauer considers the link between Alzheimer’s disease and age-related macular degeneration and how the treatment landscape for both diseases may develop in the future (page 16). Another article in this issue sees Ameet Nathwani from Dewpoint Therapeutics explain the use of biomolecular condensates and how they could change the treatment landscape for diabetes (page 14).

Finally, I examine how the ongoing cost of living crisis is impacting our health, where the crisis stemmed from and advice that charities have shared for maintaining good health in times of financial hardship (page 18).

As the weather heats up I hope you find time to relax in the sun and enjoy this issue, and we’ll be back with the September edition of Pharmafocus at the end of August!

Betsy Goodfellow