Global News

Tamiflu manufacturers report shortages during high point of flu season


The CDC has reported at least 23,000 hospitalisations due to influenza while this year’s flu season is at a high point, which has led to multiple manufacturers reporting shortages of a flu drug, Tamiflu.

Shortages of Tamiflu, also known as oseltamivir, have been reported by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), including several doses by five generic manufacturers: Amneal and Camber are short on the 30mg, 45mg and 75mg doses;

Macleods is short on 30mg and 75mg doses; while Teva and Zydus are reporting shortages of oral power in the 60mL bottle amount.

There has been no official reason for the shortage, with the ASHP listing no explanation, although some manufacturers are still able to maintain their supply. There is also no confirmed date for when the drug will return to its normal supply.

Erin Fox, senior pharmacy director at the University of Utah Health, said that she “strongly suspects” that there has been a “mismatch in the amount ordered or contracted versus the amount produced,” meaning manufacturers are having to catch up with demand for the drug.

Fox continued: “Most of the past shortages have been due to the company not being able to meet demand. Most of the shortages begin during flu season, in this case, we started getting reports in early May about a shortage of oseltamivir, so we entered this flu season already at a detriment.”