Five monthly facts and insights into the pharmaceutical industry.
1. Maggot therapy is the use of green or bluebottle fly maggots for the removal of necrotic or infected tissue (debridement). The maggots can also remove devitalised cells that have accumulated in the wound (sloughy tissue).1
Five facts about the use of AI.
1. Research has found that artificial chatbots are already being used by patients as diagnostic tools to identify symptoms
1. Despite raised awareness around diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the pharma sector, there are still issues surrounding the implementation of DEI in research.
Read on for five key facts about blood transfusions
Five key facts about LGBTQ+ healthcare
Five key facts about sustainability in the pharma industry
Five key facts about women's health
Five key facts about measles
Five key facts about the NHS
Read on for five key facts about AMR.
Read on for five key facts about health inequalities